
A complete and reliable quality management system permits the total traceability for every specific product of all production data, the raw materials used, the measurements made and/or certifications for any services provided by external suppliers. The results obtained are to guaranteed by the Eidos22 Quality System, certified to  ISO 9001:2015, EN 9100:2018 standards, covering all sectors of activity.
This aspect provides yet another demonstration of the commitment that the company aims to ensure in terms of efficiency, integrity and competitiveness.

Dowload QMS Certification  


EIDOS22 srl
Via Bernardo Dovizi 8/A - 47122, Forlì (FC), Italia
T. +39(0)543.798297 - F. +39(0)543.794119
P.IVA E CF 04270610407
Capitale sociale I.V. 100.000,00 Euro
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